Rubber Speed Breakers vs. Traditional Speed Breakers – Which One is Better?
A primary concern for any community is road safety. An increasing concern along with the rise in volume of traffic is effective speed management at intersections and critical points within the road network. This blog aims to discuss and compares two of the most useful solutions: traditional speed breakers and the rubber speed breakers innovation. Other solutions like, Portable Speed Breakers and the need for informative Speed Breaker Signs will also be covered. Towards the end you will know which option best helps your situation. Imagine a road where speeds are controlled safely, accident rates are lowered and both pedestrians and drivers feel safe. Studies have shown that well-designed Speed Breaker systems can decrease the number of crashes by as much as 45 percent. Today, we are going to take a look at the Speed Breaker types, focusing most of our attention on traditional installations made of concrete or asphalt […]