Road Safety Equipment: Why Crash Barriers Matter
Do you find travelling on highways dangerous and nerve wracking? High speed on highways comes with high stakes for yourself and your family alongside you; That’s why using road safety equipment is a must by your development authorities. Proper crash barriers can reduce fatalities by 30% to 80% depending on equipment.
Crash barriers are your unseen and unsung heroes during crashes or accidents. During the moment of disaster each and every little help can be your life saver. From minor brushes to major accidents crash barriers are there to minimise the risk and save your lives.
This Blog highlights the importance of crash barriers on roads and what can happen without them on roads. You can also read more blogs on crashbarrierindia to know more about your road safety equipment and your responsibility in Road safety.
What makes crash barrier more than just a Metal piece?
While travelling on roads you can see those barriers/metal wires travelling side by side on the roads. Crash barriers are responsible for your safety on roads and they act as natural guards to save your vehicle from going off road and stop the public from going into opposite lanes.
There are multiple types of crash barrier divided from material to impact absorption. Different roads and terrains require different types of barriers. W beam barriers, Thrie beam barriers, concrete barriers are your rigid barriers which absorb the impact and minimise damages to the vehicles. Cable and hybrid barriers focus on the use of flexibility of a barrier.
Now you know what crash barriers are? Excited to know how they work:
- A Crash barrier works on the simple law of physics by expanding the force of Impact and reducing pressure on passengers. After getting hit by a vehicle crash barrier absorb its force and break under it which reduces force on the vehicle.
- Statistical studies prove that crash barriers decrease severity up to 80% on head on collisions. Some median cable barriers have shown 85% reduction in fatality with offset between 10 to 29 feets. Design of crash barrier are made to disperse as much impact as possible.
Importance of crash barriers on highways
Highways are popular because they decrease travel time by half from normal roads. In India highways carry about 1.3% of roads but they contribute 40% to road accidents every year. More people using highways means more potential collisions on highways. To ensure safety in accidental prone areas crash barriers are very much needed.
Primary functions of crash barriers in highways are separating lanes and traffic from crossing over on another path. By separating traffic and lanes completely it reduces chances of direct collisions to less than 10%. Studies find a drastic reduction of accidents in Pune highway (NH-48) after the effective installation of roller barriers on it.
Types of crash barriers
Types of crash barriers | Structure | Material | Advantages | Applied region |
W Beam barrier | W shaped metal wave over a steel pole | Steel | Semi rigid
Cost effective |
Blind turns |
Thrie Beam barrier | Triple wave structure over a steel pole | Steel | Semi rigid
More impact resistance |
Highways and expressways |
Concrete Barrier | F shaped, broad base and narrow Top | Concrete | Rigid
High impact resistance |
Accident prone areas |
Wire/rope barriers | Steel rope on a steel pole | Steel | Flexible
Prevent vehicle rollover |
Uneven roads
Highway medians |
Conclusion: Road barriers invest on technology save more lives
If you think crash barriers are the only thing you need to prevent accidents then you are wrong. Road crash barriers can help by minimising the scope of damage. Barriers can save your lives in the last moments by absorbing accident impact. Investing on roadside barriers is not losing investment in the long run. Numerous studies have researched and found effective results about the effectiveness of a crash barrier in reducing fatality during a crash. It can be a matter of life and death so always find the best crash barrier installation services in India. Looking for high quality crash barriers. Get in touch with CrashbarrierIndia today to get MORTH qualified solutions today.
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